EducAR: Educative Augmented Reality

The main motivation of this investigation comes from the phenomenon of university dropout. The students of first semesters sometimes come with flaws in concepts studied in high school, these flaws added to the way in which the courses of mathematics, physics and chemistry are taught to make the student disinterested to study these courses, which ends in a low academic performance and the subsequent dropout.

In this research, we developed an augmented reality application that can be used by any teacher and student of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga (UNAB) as a complement to their classes, so that they can capture the interest and facilitate the appropriation of the concepts studied. In this version we focus on the electromagnetic concepts: resistors, circuits and magnetic field. Additionally, thanks to EducAR, physical phenomena and experiments can be represented using 3D models without the need for additional equipment.

in the development of EducAR we use the program Unity 3D version 5.3.1, which allows the development to be carried out in diverse mobile and desktop devices. Vuforia was also used using its SDK (software development kit), this program allows the use of the device screen as an augmented reality screen

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

Captura de pantalla 2018-07-29 a la(s) 9.32.59 p. m.Captura de pantalla 2018-07-29 a la(s) 9.33.26 p. m..png

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